Ferocious Blue
the work of
Larry Alan Iversen

"A finite game is played for the purpose of winning, an infinite game for the purpose of continuing the play." —James Carse, Finite & Infinite Games

What? About In»sequential
My purpose for having this show is to promote a Collaboration aesthetic and inspire new collaborative work.

I’ve selected images for this show that develop threads of confidence and intimacy, wonder and menace in order to explore themes of sensuality, self actualization, and lyrical vulnerability.

In order to bring these elements into my work, I apply an unconventional approach to collaborative photography, rejecting the "model release" tradition in favor of a Collaboration Agreement that assures full consensus and accountability for all participants.

Who? A Personal History
I first began to see the possibility of expressing my voice through photography over 20 years ago, and enjoyed my first published photograph—a documentary piece for a whale research project—in 1985. But though I was fortunate enough to help form a multi-disciplinary arts co-op (Streetlight Studios, 1989), have poetry published and theater work performed, my devotion to my creative essence started out unsteady.

During the boom years of the Nineties, I realized improbable success in the software goldrush, and helped start a spiritual study group that thrives to this day. And struggled as well with the mundane aspects of health and heart, like anyone. Through it all, though, this curious impulse accompanied me, singing when I would choose to lend it voice, and quietly chiding me and biding its time when I would presume to think I could abdicate it at will.
Why? Artist's Statement
Gradually, I realized two things. First, that I was fooling myself—I was playing a waiting game for something to replace the creative impulse, waiting to grow up, waiting for it to just stop, and it wasn't going to stop. Moreover, I realized that this cry was the essence of being in the world; not the ultimate distraction of distractions, but the one true tether I'd ever had keeping me from vanishing forever in a concoction of my own distractions. I realized that being conscious is about making meaning, and meaning is a thing that takes place in transaction—not in a single mind, but in the collaboration of minds.

The purpose of this show is not to sell work or find a publisher or get another show, although any of that is welcome. The purpose is to offer collaboration, and continue the infinite game.

How? About Collaborating
Only with an unwavering respect for subject, medium, and process and a deeply felt humility in the face of broader reality can real interaction occur. Such work demands meticulous attention to trust, especially in a collaborative context. I find conventional model release language neurotically adversarial to trust because it strips the ‘model’ of any say in the use of their creative expression. While perhaps desirable in commerce, this arrangement is contradictory to the process of creative discovery. In its place, I created (with the help of some skilled legal oversight) a Collaboration Agreement that formalizes the language of consensus to assure that all the creative participants in a project are respected. (The template for my Collaboration Agreement is available at my website: www.ferociousbluecycad.com/collabmodel.htm and it’s use and dissemination are encouraged without limitation.)

Where applicable, the collaborative work in this exhibit is attributed and priced to reflect the collective investment of all participants—this is an example of the Agreement at work.

Where and When?
In»sequential will be on view from Thursday, June 3rd to Wednesday, June 30th, 2004 at Tennessee Red's. An eclectic bistro, bar and art venue in Portland's vibrant Southeast community, Tennessee Red's hosts a popular monthly featured artist show. Tennessee Red's is located on SE 11th Ave at the corner of SE Grant St, and is open daily from 11 a.m. to 2:30 a.m. (open from 12 noon on weekends). To find out more about Tennessee Red's and their featured artist program, contact Sarah Caudle-French at 503/231-1710.
There will be an informal opening reception on Thursday, June 3rd from 8 pm to 11 pm, as well as an equally informal Meet-the-Artist event on Saturday, June 26th from 3 pm to 8 pm. Further inquiries about this show or any other matters may be directed to me by email at iversen@ferociousbluecycad.com or by calling 888/826-4515.

This show would not be possible without the tireless efforts of my friends, confidants, and business partners. Thanks to everyone who follows this show's online companion journal, available through my website. Special thanks to both Ginas, Kim, Perry, Misha, Jeanette, Rusty, Jim, Randy, Ricky, Don and Jeanette, and Kenny for their irreplaceable advice. Thanks also to the business partners who have served me so well, including U-Develop, Metz Images, Photofile, Light Impressions, and LiveJournal. Of course, thanks to my family and friends who have suffered me gladly of late. And finally, none of this would be possible without the kind accommodation above all of Sarah at Tennessee Red's.

June 3rd - 30th, 2004
Tennessee Red's
(Portland, OR)

2133 SE 11th Ave
the corner of 11th and Grant, in Southeast Portland
» map

Opening Reception:
Thursday, June 3rd, 8pm - 11pm

Meet the Artist:
Saturday, June 26th, 3pm - 8pm

Follow the artist's
journal in real-time.
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» Press Release